Thursday, July 22, 2010

Astoria Column and Fort Clatsop

Wanting to do a bit of sight seeing on the way back from Washington, we decided to take a detour to Astoria, Oregon. All I knew about Astoria is that one of my all-time favorite silly movies, The Goonies, was filmed there, and Astoria is really close to Fort Clatsop. With that information, we drove into Astoria having no idea of what we should see. We got off the main drag through town following signs which said, 'This way to The Column.' What column? We were intrigued.

Yeah, they built a Huge Column on a hill above the town. Why? Well, the views are cool.

And as you can see, I did NOT climb up The Column as Gimpy's foot was still painful, and I didn't want to climb it by myself. Where is the glory in that? Besides, I think I've done my share of climbing up and down lighthouse stairs to last me a lifetime.
I did take this panoramic view on the top of the hill, though.

I have a bone to pick with Lewis and Clark. For years, I've tried to convince my husband that we need to move to the Pacific Northwest. I hate the heat! The weather seems pleasant, and, as I sunburn like a lobster every summer, I should live there, right? With my viking blood, I'm genetically programmed for cool and foggy coastal weather. My husband, a history teacher who does not sunburn hardly at all, always brings up the fact that, of the more than three months the Lewis and Clark expedition were at Fort Clatsop, on only 12 days it did not rain. He says he needs the sun. The debate still continues!

It is surprising to see how small the fort was.
I'll have to admit, being cooped up in these tiny rooms all winter with fifty or so other people would not be pleasant.

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